Monday, September 14, 2009
The background of the book must be taken in to consideration when trying to understand its content. We believe the book was written by Solomon, perhaps in his last days on earth. That idea fits well with internal evidences in the text itself. He concludes that life itself is meaningless! This seems to be a rather rash conclusion given that it is being made by the world's wisest man! He declares that he has found wisdom, pleasures, folly, work, oppression (both for the oppressor and oppressed), advancement and wealth meaningless. It is difficult to reconcile this with our lives today, especially when we are sure it is part of the Bible which is perfectly infallible.
As I looked through this book, God spoke to me about the nation I live in. There seems to be today what i call the Kenyan Dream. It is the ideal pattern of life for the average Kenyan. It starts with getting a good education. Once you pass your primary school exams, you go to high school where you are expected to pass and go to university, where you must do the serious courses like medicine, law, engineering etc. Following this, you ought to go and get a job. Now that the job market is flooding rapidly, it would be advisable to get a masters degree to make yourself more marketable. After you start working, you should begin saving up for a piece of land where you can build a house or maybe even mortgage or buy one. Then comes the car and the good life! The spouse is soon to follow, to crown your efforts and then you have children who re-live the script.
I noted that the very pillars of the Kenyan Dream are mentioned as meaningless by Solomon-the world's wisest man. The wisdom (education), wealth (well-paying job), work (profession), the property and assets (advancement) and all the pleasures of life. These particular things are not necessarily bad, but they lose meaning when they do not exist to build the Kingdom of God. The book ends on this note, but because we rarely get to the end of the book, we miss out on this insight! Chapter 12:9-14 summarizes the thoughts of the writer, with the key statement being in verse 13: "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." That's all we exist to do! Fear God and keep His commands. Everything we do or acquire in life must be set to accomplish these two objectives. If not, it becomes meaningless!!! Solomon had to discover this not by his great wisdom but by his experience. We have Solomon's wisdom and experience to learn from! We have no excuse!
Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your might! Do it for the Lord! If it be writing children's books, attending to ill people, writing music, constructing buildings or even studying, do it for the Lord! He gave His all for you, it would only makes sense to give your all for Him. Paul writes in Romans 12 that offering our bodies as living sacrifices is our REASONABLE service to God! Give your gifts, talents and abilities, intellect, emotions, thoughts, profession, possessions, wealth and ultimately yourself to God! Colossians 1:17 says that it is in Jesus that all things consist. That really means that He is the glue that sticks all creation together! Hence, not giving Him all we have and all we are is really floating meaninglessly in overwhelming meaninglessness!
Purpose is found only in Christ. Pursuit of fulfillment in anything else is a striving after the wind, as my good friend Solomon put it!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
To My Little Sister
You know that no matter how big you are you always gonna be my little sister! That's why i gotta look out for you. And you've grown up! I remember those first days when the boys started coming around. It felt kinda awkward but i got used to it, but I'm not used to seeing you crying. Four men now, and they've all hurt you bad. Three played you and one only wanted sex. It's really sad that people treat others that way. When the guys hurt you i comforted you, wanting you to learn from your ordeals because as observant as you may be, some things are best learned through experience. I'm sorry this is how you had to learn it though. It breaks my heart. Allow me then as your big brother to advice you-give you guidance, not direction. God is totally in love with you! No matter what opinion men may have of how you look, i am convinced you are beautiful. Never forget or doubt that. He has got good plans for you and he wants to use you to a lot for his kingdom, but that calls for you to submit TOTALLY to God. Give him everything including your sexuality and relationships. I think you end up frustrated because you do things your own way, which does not work! If you yield your will to Him, he'll take care of your every need, even the guys! He'll teach you how to love. This may sound radical but the root reality is that if you don't love God, you can't love any man. Similarly, if a man does not love God, do not expect him to love you,he just can't! That's the truth! I know there are lots of messed up guys out there, but being bitter about it and cursing men won't change that. Stop wasting energy focusing on them. Focus on what God wants for you and He'll sort out everything else for you. I love you and don't wanna see you hurt in the same way again. You must understand these things though. Love God and trust Him. You are the apple of God's eye, why wouldn't he gift you with a truly loving and faithful man if you do what pleases him?
Straight from the heart of your loving big brother,
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Lord of Time
I will not ensnare myself in trying to define what time is because all men, scholars and laymen alike, have their own opinions concerning this matter. Some say it is just but a means of measure and others say it is money. Whatever the case, I am sure that what makes it count is how we use it.
According to Ken Ham in his book The Answers Book1, modern scientists have proven that time is closely akin to matter and space and have thus concluded that time had a definite beginning and will therefore come to definite end. In my perspective, the clock ticks ‘counting up’ to something or ‘counting down’ to it. Whatever the case, I am convinced that time is ultimately pointing to phenomenon that will be revealed at its end – Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 28:20, Jesus promises us, His disciples, His perpetual company which will last to the very end of the age. This age (to me) signifies the end of time, as we know it; marked by Christ’s return coupled with our perfection in Him.
Far be it from us that we should then look forward to this glorious perfection in great anticipation and in the process overlook the time that has to pass before that great day. We have a responsibility pertaining to that time and that is why Jesus saw it necessary to charge us with a task to fulfill (Mt. 28:18-19) before that expected end (v. 20).
We are stewards of time, charged with its management so that we may fulfill God’s will here on earth. Two things strike me as compulsions to proper stewardship of time.
Reflecting and replicating God’s perfection and efficacy in time management.
God stands on the banks of the flowing river of time, seeing all things that man does; then, now and in the future. From this unique vantage point, He chooses where, or rather when, to step in.
We can be confident that since His nature is pure and incorruptible, His interventions are then perfect and timely. However, we are lost in the futility of our thinking because of the limitations of time and a finite mind and hence fail to understand the choices and responses of a limitless and infinite God. Our needs and wants evoke emotions and opinions that blind us from seeing the bigger picture as God sees it. Consequently, we end up blaming God for delayed intervention. The question here is who determines whether intervention is late? What is the standard for that judgment – God or time? I am convinced that the standard must be God because He is infinite and perfect and it is He who created time. Time began, is now passing and will end, but as the writer of the book Hebrews said; He is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Lord Himself took Malachi as a scribe to write to all creation and tell them that He does not change (Mal 3:6). He is the Lord unlimited.
It however becomes vexing and paradoxical that I should liken our time management to that of God. I think that it is still possible to reflect His perfection displayed through His timely nature. In this very way, the moon – a dull mass of rock – reflects the glory of the sun, which is a bright and flaming star. The commonality in this comparison is not in the element of time but in that of perfection.
Christians must exemplify this perfection even though we dealing with two invariables in this equation, our imperfect nature and time. We must deal with this matter effectively and responsibly.
Being Men of Our Word.
Jesus while on earth set us a classical example of being faithful to our word. Whatever He said, He did. He was well aware and confident of this fact to the point that He questioned the Jews as to whether they had seen Him sin (John 8). This commitment and faithfulness has not passed away; it is eternal. It is still living and active to this very day and will continue in the days that are yet with us. The Lord promises us in Psalm 138 that He has upheld His name and His word above all. He stays true to that irrespective of the prevailing circumstance. He brings to pass all His promises in due time. The preacher in Ecclesiastes 3:11 says He makes all things beautiful in His time. The preacher goes on to highlight that we lack the satisfaction of fully understanding what He does. Maybe a disturbing thought and that is why what I propose what may seem like an equally disturbing solution – childlike faith. Many times faith is mistaken for foolishness.
Men will forever grapple with this matter because of the finite nature of our minds and we are subject to change – of state, emotion and mind. The Lord is immutable and infallible and so is His own standard (Num 23:19). He will always honour His word.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we too are required to honour our promises and commitments. This is a call to faithfulness – a part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). We must hold ourselves accountable to God and honour our word in the time frame concerned.
I admire Jephthah, the Judge of Israel, who despite making a rather thoughtless commitment to God was faithful enough to honour it even though it cost him much. We must emulate such faithfulness.
If you plan to be somewhere at a certain time or to do something specific, do it at the time allocated for it. Failing to do so is tantamount to sin.
It is futile for us to think of this matter and not move towards pleasing God with the stewardship of our time. We must be responsible with time. At times, we find ourselves in situations that see us late due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. Even so, we are responsible for handling such situations because we know they inevitably occur occasionally. This is the substance of good stewardship. If you have a commitment slotted for a particular time, ensure that you attend to it slightly before necessary. This avoids last minute rushes (which humans cannot seem to get away from) and it reduces the margin of lateness if perhaps something hinders you from being on time.
It is wrong for us to inconvenience others through our irresponsibility. We must honour our word.
I pray that the Lord may move us from undesirable attitudes towards time management and may convict us to abolish horrendous stewardship of time so that we may worship him through punctuality and proper time management. We must see bad stewardship of time as something that grieves and disappoints God.
May we now go forth in the knowledge of these things and bring honour to Jesus, the Lord of Time.
Written by Allan Muchiri
October 28th 2008
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Moving Against Tribalism
Sadly, many Christians have allowed themselves to be overpowered by this strongman.
The Word of God in Ephesians 2:11-22 gives us clarity on what our position on this matter should be. From v.11-13, Paul says that before we met Christ, we belonged to our tribes, races and cultures because we were separate from God; we were not under the new Covenant written in Christ's blood. Its in his blood that we have salvation-v.13.
Verse 14-18 tells us of how the work of Christ created a new man. V.15 tells us that He abolished in His flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. The law is characteristic of leading us to make value judgments based on outward things. Just as the Jews made value judgments based on the circumcision they did with their hands, we do the same, with ethnicity as our basis. We are sinful and out of our sinfulness comes our ethnocentricity. But according to scripture, Christ has overcome this ethnocentricity by abolishing the law in the body broken for our sakes. He has made one new man, bringing all of us together under this new covenant, irrespective of age, gender, race or tribe. And we now all have access to the Father through the Holy Spirit-v18.
We are therefore one in Christ. There are no aliens or foreigners(v.20) and so i conclude that we are one tribe and not a league of several! We are being built up as one body into a holy temple, founded on Christ. That body has not Luo, Kamba, Kalenjin, Kikuyu or Somali blood. The body of Christ has the blood of Christ- shed for ALL. No exclusions are made by scripture concerning either our sinful state or our redemption through his blood-through which we claim brotherhood. May the Lord rebuke us and forgive us for being tribalists! Like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., i long for a day when we will not judge others by their tribe but their relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Samaritan Woman - John 4
where he'd meet this woman who's more promiscuous by far,
than all the other girls in town,
she's got a bad reputation gained from sleeping around.
So Christ initiates the conversation by asking for a drink,
she's like 'excuse me sir! Kwani how do you think?'
after all Jews and Samaritans didn't at all mix!
Like cold water and the oil on dirty dishes in a sink!
So he turns the tables and offers her water to quench her real thirst,
but she's like - 'dude please, many have tried. Kwani you think you are the first?!' and He gets the point and tells her to bring her husband-there he has her caught! She decides to tell the truth after a split second of critical thought!
And Jesus is glad she's honest enough to reveal her filth,
she's with a man whose not her hubby after she ditched her fifth!
She's like - 'what? This man just read my mind!
I'm sure He's a fortune teller or a prophet of some kind' ,
only to find out later that this man is the promised Christ!
Facing him, she'd never felt more secure or fulfilled,
the conviction was unchangeable even for this woman who seemed to be weak-willed. Jesus gave her what many men could not, a completeness which for long she sought. Maybe you have the same kind of strife,
maybe not of sexual pleasure but of lack of meaning in your life.
If the Samaritan woman reminds you of you,
this is my recommendation of what you should do.
Tell Jesus you want the same kind of change,
tell Jesus you wanna turn a new page,
If yo honest and genuine He'll forgive,
all yo sins and cleanse u from unrighteousness & show u a new way to live.
This is the promise of 1st John 1:9,
now you can proudly say 'Jesus you are mine'!
Now it is time for you to go and tell,
of the permanently thirst-quenching water which you drank at the well!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Many people like to discuss what they want in a girlfriend/boyfriend or a spouse.
The ideal spouse is created in a few moments of verbal excellence!
Young men usually speak of a girl that they intend to love. That’s wonderful! But I often wonder what that means. What goes through their minds when they speak of loving their future wives?
There is the classic passage in Ephesians 5:22-33 that talks of a Christian household. Paul is teaching and instructing the Ephesians on how live with each other and how they ought to relate to each other as Christians.
Preceding this passage, he begins with instructions to all Christians (v.21). We ought to submit to each other as to the Lord. As I see it, Paul is admonishing us to serve each other in humility for this is the will of Christ concerning all Christians.
He then turns to the wives (v. 22). This may be one of the most misinterpreted and consequently misunderstood verses in the Bible. Wives are told to submit to their husbands. Many husbands and wives have misunderstood submission as the wife’s service to the husband according to his will. (I am not saying that it is wrong for the wife to serve her husband according to his will, but it is not proper when the setting qualifies this to be a slavery of sorts) When this misunderstanding is mixed up with our cultural understanding of marriage, it results in a master-slave relationship between the husband and wife. Many women have also fallen into believing this false and flawed template. Because of this misplaced belief in this incorrect template, many women fall into slavery and maltreatment.
What I think on this is that a wife ought to respect and honour her husband as her responsibility to God. The husband is the beneficiary of his wife’s obedience to her Lord.
Similarly then a man is to love his wife (v. 25) so as to fulfill his responsibility to God. This idea lies in the context of verse 21 and the fact that both verses are instructing Christians to do these things as to the Lord. According to me, this means that both submission to husbands and loving wives is directed to the Lord!
Many men put their focus on verse 22 but I am more concerned in and interested in verse 25-26. The entire passage gives me a clear idea of the kind of wife to pray and hope for, but I feel it gives me a clearer picture of the kind of man I ought to be and the kind of man my future wife should marry.
I ought to love my (future) wife as Christ loved the church; He died for her to purify her. That means I ought to love my (future) wife unconditionally. It also means that I must love her sacrificially. In essence I see the second being a product of the first. Sacrifice is only made when the love is unconditional. Sacrifice can only be made where there is a condition, and to love unconditionally means to love steadfastly irrespective of situations and circumstances. That means that I am willing to forfeit what is important to me for the sake of her whom I love.
I find it quite interesting that Paul draws a parallel between marriage and the relationship between Christ and the Church. Christ, when on earth, had a primary objective of making (through Himself) a purified bride that would be presentable to Him. In the same way, husbands ought to take initiative and to work toward the betterment of their wives. This will definitely call for sacrifice on the husbands’ part. This triggers an automatic reaction in the wife; she submits to him (as is proper)! Husbands ought not to focus on making their wives submit but should be more concerned with how they can love their wives! This is the responsibility a man has (to the Lord).
1 Corinthians 7 talks of marriage and singleness. Paul encourages the believers to stay single but fully affirms marriage. I found it quite interesting that a man such as Paul would discourage people from entering the God-ordained institution of marriage. Looking at the passage more contextually we find that the believers of Paul’s time thought that Jesus was coming in their lifetime (v. 29-…the time is short…). As a result, Paul was encouraging people to stay single so as to accomplish more for the Kingdom of God in the little time left. Single people are more able to focus their energies on ministry as opposed to married people who have great responsibility in family affairs.
Looking at marriage from this angle, then it seems to me that singleness and marriage are both great blessings that should be enjoyed maximally. For me, to enjoy and make proper use of my singleness is to do as much for the Lord as I can so that marriage will not be an anticlimax but in stark contrast it will be a climax! I want to reach a point in my service of the King where I have maximized my potential and capacity as a single person and will take up a wife to increase my capacity for the very same service! The need to serve is greater now than ever.
Meanwhile, I want to focus more on the kind of man God wants me to be. This is my heart’s desire. The primary reason remains to be more of what He wants by doing his commands (this is love according to 1John 5:3). This pursuit of Holiness will call for sacrifice. I thank God that He honours sacrifice. If I seek him relentlessly, then He will grant me my heart’s desire even as pertains to somebody to marry. He will provide not only a harvest but a bountiful one indeed! Hallelujah!
Lord, raise for your glory a crop of men willing and able to serve You and You alone! Raise a people for yourself that honour you with their lives and glorify you with the motives of their hearts! Men who will be hope for children and a light in this world.
Allan Muchiri Njoroge
Jan 20, 2009